Seattle Birding And Whale Watch May 2024

Steve here. Cat went out to Seattle for a few weeks to visit our son. They did some birdwatching at several parks and went on a whale watch (opening day for the season!) looking for orcas and gray whales; there were also lots of seals. Whales are notoriously difficult to photograph because they're mostly underwater.
Photos by Cat Branam. You can click on any photo to bring up a gallery of all of them.
The first one is a duckling, and the second is a gosling.

Bald Eagles
A sub-adult and two adults.
An adult feeding on a crab, chased away by the young one.
Yellow-Crowned Sparrow
Blue Heron
Pied-Billed Grebe
Goldeneye Ducks
Sealions and Seals
Sealions crowding a buoy.
A large group of seals on the sandbar. As the boat passed, pandemonium erupted.
White-Winged Scoters
These were right off the beachfront houses.
Vashon Island
They took the ferry to Vashon Island (and Maury Island) to see the troll and views. This is Point Robinson Lighthouse on Maury and Mt. Ranier.
There are several Thomas Dambo trolls in Seattle (see for info). This is #125, Oscar The Bird King on Vashon Island:
Frankie Feetsplinter in Ballard:
And Bruun Idun in Lincoln Park:
Bruce Lee Grave Site
Bruce and Brandon Lee are buried at Lake View Cemetery.
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