First Attempt Processing DWARF II Raw Images With Siril
A single 15-second "blink" image in Siril, selected from the raw FITS images. This is what all the unprocessed frames look like. Not very impressive on its own! I took the raw images from my DWARF II telescope session that I showed in this blog post and processed them manually with Siril , using the steps from Ian Lauer's tutorial How To Shoot Deep Space With A Fuji (or any DSLR) Camera (starting at 20:07 in the video). This involved manually "blinking" through 160 15-second exposures to eliminate the ones that had some kind of problem like clouds, out-of-round star shapes resulting from wind shaking the telescope, or streaks due to things passing through the field of view. That left 139 blink frames selected. Then I took a small set of the scope's previously-captured dark calibration frames and ran the Siril OSC_Preprocessing script on them to align and stack the images. I had to modify the script slightly to skip the normal bias and flat frame steps. ...